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House to Home

What does the Partner Organisation need to do?

-   Identify, assess and select clients who meet the programme criteria and where there would be significant impact. Criteria for referrals can include any of the following: homelessness /at risk of repeat homelessness, low income, on benefits, domestic violence, fire victims, those returning into the community from prison / healthcare.

-   Complete the online referral form providing as much background information as possible. Habitat Ireland will only accept referrals from partner agencies where there is a signed partnership agreement. Referral form can be found here.

-   Support the client to engage in the programme.

Practical Work – Support worker facilitates and attends to support client at assessment visit. Brief clients and ensure they understand what is expected from them during the practical work. This includes the property being in a suitable condition for the work eg skirting boards cleaned, furniture and items moved away from walls. Where clients have the capacity, Habitat can facilitate their participation in the project.

Household Items– review what essential items are needed and manage expectations. Depending on the capacity of the individual, support them to visit a Habitat ReStore and select suitable items. As we rely on donations, we can't guarantee what items are available or if they are in a style that clients would choose. Delivery will only be attempted once at an agreed timeslot.

-   Complete an online evaluation following the work to provide feedback and measure impact

Download a full overview of the House to Home programme here.

Become a partner

Habitat seeks partners to identify and support clients who would benefit most. To find out more about the programme or becoming a partner, contact us.

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