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Today on Easter Sunday we bring you a special message from Jonathan Reckford, Habitat for Humanity International CEO. "Easter is a time of hope for us as individuals, for Habitat, for the church and for the world. May we recognise Jesus present and at work in our lives."

As we enter into the holiest days of the Christian year, I find myself wondering why so often we are surprised when God does amazing things in our lives — when God answers our prayers with blessings we could never imagine. We know about Jesus appearing to Mary Magdalene at the empty tomb. When we read the account in the Gospel of John, we want to shout, “Mary, it’s Jesus! Look at the gardener. It’s Jesus.”

Yet, sometimes we are just as unaware. Mary was distraught over the cruelty that Jesus had endured on the cross. She was disillusioned that Jesus was dead. Undoubtedly, Saturday had been a very long day.

The “Saturdays” in our lives — those “in-between” times when pain and uncertainty and doubt take hold — can test our faith. We want to know what is going to happen, but we can trust in the God who loves us. Even though we may not be able to see — or recognize — how God is working during difficult times, we know the ending of the story. We know that Sunday is coming.

As we navigate through our personal circumstances and as together we strive to reach the goals of Habitat’s audacious strategic plan — one that is much bigger than our current resources — we rejoice and remember God’s awesome grace and faithfulness. This is a time to look back at how God has worked in our lives and in this ministry. This week we are reminded once again that God can do exceedingly, abundantly more than we can ask or even imagine.

I pray that throughout this Lenten season, you are feeling God’s presence. Easter is a time of hope for us as individuals, for Habitat, for the church and for the world. May we recognise Jesus present and at work in our lives.

Get ready for Sunday. I hope you will enjoy a tremendous celebration that Jesus is risen, indeed!



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