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Meet Emeldah Nyangu. Emeldah moved into her new Habitat home in Zambia in 2016. Emeldah was empowered to become a homeowner through financial support from Irish Aid and members of the Irish public.

Emeldah is 56 years old. She is overjoyed to have a safe and decent place to call home. Emeldah lives in her Habitat home in Linda community with her daughter Edith, and her two sons, Victor and Enoch. She has lived in Linda community for a long time, and knows a good number of people in the township. She says that people in the community live like one family.

The new house has three rooms, windows, floors and lockable doors. Emeldah says that the new house offers a good night sleep even in rainy season. Her family now enjoy a peaceful sleep because they do not have to worry about leaks. “The two boys that are in school are trying at school, when they finish school they can have a bright future,” says Emeldah.

Emeldah works in the informal economy, selling beef byproducts in her community. This work means that the family can afford two meals daily with vegetables and kapenta (fish). She is happy to report that the family’s health has improved since moving into their new home. Incidences of coughs have drastically reduced because the new structure is well ventilated. The family also obtains free medical services at Mount Makulu or Zambia National Service clinic, where they pay minimal fees to access medical services.

Thanks to the generosity of Irish Aid and our supporters, Emeldah and her children have solid foundations on which other critical services, including healthcare, nutrition and education, can be built.

Thank you to everyone who has supported this project.

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